93 photographic prints, 222 photographic negatives, 2 discs

Photographs of Workers at the Ferranti Wythenshawe Factory

4 items

Collection of Ferranti International Ordinary Share Certificates

Drawing of general arrangement of Planet locomotive

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

3 files and 193 engineering drawings

Engineering Drawings for the Replica 'Planet' Locomotive

Emirates Airline manual of Uniform and Grooming standards for cabin crew

Uniform standards for Emirates cabin crew

16 items

Archive relating to the ICL Series 39 SX Computer

MA dissertation entitled: "Living with Plastics : Museums, Materials and Culture"

Drawing of general details for Planet locomotive 1830

A collection of promotional material and also blank operational documents such as boarding passes, luggage labels, inflight menus, inflight magazine, various documents to be filled out by cabin crew, radio navigation chart, along with computer briefing notes for G-OOAD flight between Manchester and Palma on the 23rd November 1994.

Air 2000 Promotional and Flight Operations Material

Drawing of arrangement and details of water tank for Planet locomotive


PhD thesis in the history of science entitled 'Un modello algoritmico: l'Analytical Engine di Charles Babbage'

4 items

Manuals and Advertising for Amstrad Computers

Drawing of details of inner frame for locomotive

Drawing of details of steam pipe, regulator pad etc. for Planet locomotive

Drawing of locomotive chimney details

17 box files and 20 lever arch files (approximately 20.00 lin. m) and c. 30.00 lin. m of trade literature

LS1 Prototype Wind Turbine Papers

3 posters

Collection of Posters Advertising Dan Air and British Caledonian Airways

237 items

Archives relating to Cosgrove Hall Films and the Series 'Bill and Ben'

Drawing of assembly of valve hand levers

Drawing of assembly of cross-slides

Drawing of eccentric for Planet locomotive

1 envelope containing 3 items

Manual and Driver Disk for Olivetti Printers

Drawing of assembly of cylinder and steam chest

Drawing of cross link shaft

Drawing of detail of chassis for Planet tender

2 boxes

Material relating to gift of Rose Window to St Albans Cathedral

0.01 linear metres

Publications from Shirley Developments Limited

Drawing of details of cover for safety valve

Drawing of layout of boiler and frame

Drawing of details of driving wheels for locomotive

Drawing of general arrangement of carrying wheel suspension

Drawing of details of ash pan

Drawing of brake bracket clamp plate

Drawing of proposed arrangement and details of smokebox door

British Airways booklet

Drawing of details of brass cover for steam dome

Drawing of details of non driving wheels for locomotive

Drawing of details of connecting rod

Drawing of piston rod cotter

Drawing of bracket

Drawing of detail of axle boxes for locomotive

Drawing of joint

Drawing of layshaft

Drawing of layshaft

Drawing of eccentric hand lever

Drawing of eccentric strap

Drawing of collar

Drawing of distance piece

Drawing of pin